Just a virtual filing cabinet of the things that amuse and interest me and by default you should appreciate too damn it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Feeling rough around the edges? It feels great to trim the hedges!

OK the first time I saw this commercial the TV was muted...it took a second to sink in but I have to say I appreciated the subtlety of it (and the humor). The fact that it still translated well without hearing the pitch says something about it. After searching for it online, figuring I was bound to find a video of it to share with you I came across many comments from people upset about this commercial including this confusing one from 'squeehunter'
..."I don't really like to think about a woman, or anyone for that matter, shaving their pubic hair while I'm trying to watch TV."
really.....is this a problem often dealt with ,wtf?
Hell, I may get one a try to tame my own topiary.

Anyway, good job to Schick!  (even if they did steal the idea)

For comaparison the following video is from the UK advertising the
Wilkinson Sword Quatro
Not nearly as subtle, in fact very blatant....I can appreciate this one on a different level. 


...And while I'm at it here's another one for you.
U is the Australian variety of Kotex products.

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