Just a virtual filing cabinet of the things that amuse and interest me and by default you should appreciate too damn it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Flesh Like Gel Remote Control - really, I can't make this stuff up.

This conceptual gel remote from Panasonic lays limp when not in use,
pulsating with a soft light. But when its sensors detect a hand coming,
it stiffens, ready for action!
"Constructed of a soft, flesh-like gel, the remote appears cold when off. Once turned on, however, it seems to come to life. A soft light emanates somewhere from within as the center of the device begins to slowly rise and fall, mimicking the tranquil motions of breath. Left undisturbed, the remote will slumber peacefully. But should a human hand approach, sensors inside alert it to the imminent touch. It stops breathing, grows rigid - the light from within is extinguished."
Wow, congratulations on the world's creepiest remote, Panasonic. Limp when not in use, rigid when you touch it. Does that remind you of something else? No? Me neither.

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