Just a virtual filing cabinet of the things that amuse and interest me and by default you should appreciate too damn it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

In the Beginning...

In the beginning....

....there was empty space. Like a goldfish I grew to fill it.
Give me a soap box and I'll Stand on it.
Don't give a soap box, and I'll kick you in the nuts and take it from you.
No not really, I'm passive....

....aggressive. AH HA!

Now let me explain, I'm not gonna preach from that soapbox or anything, I don't care enough about you to tell you what to do.
I'd rather watch you flock up on your own then to tell you how you were wrong.
That's how you learn right? I want the box to keep you off it. Why stand on the box when I can put stuff in it? I always have stuff that needs boxes to be inserted into.

I won't laugh at you, really. I'll laugh with you... later...when you reflect on your own stupidity.

My point is......not really a point at all...in fact, it's more of an oval.

Oh yeah, this site might have the occasional rant. However I'm not witty enough or interested enough (just keeping it real) to do it on a regular basis. What you might find here is some of my favorite paintings or creations of other sorts and links to others I find interesting and, by default, you should too. Ultimately I hope you might see something you like that I've done and like it enough to donate me some of your hard earned cash (or your drug money obtained in dubious ways and laundered thru your Canadian mob connections). You know, like you do at church. Just think of me as your reverend. Instead of salvation, I offer you ART in exchange. My absolution comes at a much higher price. (Can Canada claim to have a mob? I've never heard of one.)
Look. Buy More Art! Thats what I'm saying, and hey why the flock not mine!

Buckle up the captain has just turned on the fasten seatbelt sign and suggests you start smoking, It's makes the turbulence more enjoyable.

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