Like everything else I make nothing is ever finished. So there are allot of changes happening here and elsewhere on the web as I endeavor to shamelessly promote myself. You'll notice some drastic changes in the coming days to this site and it's links to others. I hope you will find the new layout and additional pages interesting and more easily navigable. In my attempts to bring a cohesiveness to my rampantly running amok through blogs and assorted web pages I have finally concentrated on a solid layout. Time now to herd my content and assorted ramblings into the barnyard.
I will continue to post here in the future content which I find interesting (and by default you should too).
In addition to my flock'n blog there is more I have in store. Take note of the new menu bar located both fore and aft.
There you will find links to the following:
HOME - My main site to find finished works and links to how you can see and buy them. (please take them off my hands)
ABOUT - Well I think that is self explanatory
STUDIO - Here you will find my musings regarding works in progress (live studio cam to come soon)
SHOP - Uh, do I have to explain that one?
BLOG - Thats where you are at now!
CONTACT - A direct link to email me (feel free to do so with any questions, comments or ramblings of your own)
OK, So thats it....Thanks - carry on.